Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 358
Ik pase ne dukh duniyan de ik pase sukh sare ne;
Odhar ne oh duniyan vale edhar rab de pyare ne.
Odhar hain hanere hardam par edhar lishkare ne;
Odhar hondai rone dhone edhar navein nazare ne.
Odhar vair eerkha jhagrhe eh duniyan hai pyaran di;
Odhar rut khizan di hardam edhar rut baharan di.
Duniyan da te kamm hai ikko onhan raula pauna ey;
Kahe avtar eh dubda berha santan banne launa ey.
On one side are the pains and sufferings of the world and on the other are all comforts and pleasures. On that side are the worldly people and on this side are the loved ones of God. On that side is darkness all the time, and on this side are the glitters of the celestial light. On that side are the weeping, on this side are the new sights. On that side are hostility, jealousy and discord, and on this side is the world of love and affection. On that side is autumn all the time, on this side it is spring. The world has only one thing to do, that is to make a noise. Baba Avtar Singh ji says, it is for the saints to salvage the recover the vessel of humanity.